Regular maintenance can help your boat’s battery to perform better and last longer. Of course, many boat owners are uncomfortable with performing maintenance on their boat’s battery due to a lack of experience. That’s why the experts at The Harbor have created this guide to boat battery maintenance.

Use The Correct Boat Battery

There are a few different varieties of boat batteries available on the market, including deep-cycle, dual-purpose, and cranking models. While these different battery types have their pros and cons, the most important thing is that whatever battery you choose is compatible with your vessel. If you have any questions regarding battery compatibility, consult your owner’s manual or talk to someone with a great deal of knowledge concerning boats, like the staff here at The Harbor. Be sure to record the installation date whenever you install a new battery into your boat. This will make determining the boat’s age much, much easier. 

Clean The Boat Battery

The more you allow corrosion to build up on your boat’s battery, the more it will negatively impact performance. Eventually, the battery might even experience long-term damage. Luckily, all you need is a solution of baking soda and water to clean the posts. Once that’s done, lightly apply a dielectric grease to the battery’s posts. 

Recharge The Battery Often

It’s important to note the boat batteries are typically designed for occasional rather than daily use. Unlike a car battery, you usually can’t rely on a boat battery’s alternator to keep it charged. This is unfortunate because keeping the battery charged is important for the battery’s overall health. We recommend recharging your boat’s battery after each usage, but be sure to consult the manufacturer’s recommendations on which charger and what kind of charging schedule to use. 

Store The Boat Battery Correctly

Improper storage is one of the biggest causes of boat battery issues. When the time comes to store your battery for the season, always make sure it is fully charged first. Don’t forget to clean it as well! Be sure to store the battery in a place that is both dry and temperature-controlled. 

For more on boat battery maintenance or to shop our inventory of boats for sale, visit The Harbor in Branson, Missouri. We’re proud to serve communities like Springfield and Kansas City, Missouri. We also offer boat parts, servicing, and financing.